Wednesday, 13 July 2011

History of Bingo

Initially, such a word called Bingo - «Beano» (from the English. bean - bean pea). So this game was called, because it instead of tokens, used red dried beans. These beans were closed in the number of cards turned later in the Bingo tickets. The term came up in 1920-30 gg.amerikantsy.

Name change

Let surprisingly, but bingo was originally called "Keno." AND in the late 19th century the name was quite popular. These names of the owners have joined an illegal lottery keno, used the this confusion in order to deceive the authorities, forcing them to assume that Keno is not a lottery. As it happened, as the game Bingo has been legalized a lottery - no.
Finally, game where people call the number and use the card in which the and tokens began to call Bingo. Same game, where a fictitious "horses" were numbers or spots, celebrated on the ticket players start called Keno. While Bingo appeared long before the when game «Beano» solidly gained popularity in the Midwest of America.

The appearance of Bingo in Italy

Many historians of gambling came to a consensus about that for the first time Bingo appeared in Italy. This game is the first time mentioned in the sources More of the late Renaissance, which are dated about 1530 year. By the way, Bingo originated from a game bearing the name of the lotto (Lotto).
This word Lotto in Italian sounds like "fate." Lotto first used, when, because of corruption and impropriety in elections in one of the Italian cities have experienced the need for a completely a new method of determining the governor. Therefore decided to pull out at random numbers. Man, who was the winning number, became Governor In other words, He really was determined by fate.

Spread of the game in Europe

The game in Italy through the Alps was soon moved to France, where became known as Le Lotto. In this game, and on Today, there are in every Saturday, and it is in form rather similar to today's American Bingo. The game uses tokens playing cards live call number.
In its original version, the Italian game was pretty widespread in Europe in the 19th century. Card to his favorite form of game was divided into squares, and on each card and it was on 9 vertical lines and 3 horizontal. In each of the horizontal series were 5 fields with the numbers for 4 empty fields.
The above numbers are written on wooden chips they in turn folded into a special bag. Main goal of the game - close counters faster than any one of the 3 horizontal rows. Cards for that game and had a free field had similarities with the free fields in modern bingo card.

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